Arzu Arda Kosar "Malibu"

Deb Diehl, "Coyote",

Patricia Liverman "Milestone"
Arzu Arda KOSAR

Arzu Arda Kosar is an artist and community facilitator who has shown her work internationally and taught art at every level. Kosar’s interest social psychology has led her to examine collaborative art making and community building art practices. She instigated numerous collaboratives such as Yarn Bombing LA, MapConception,TransIstanbul, and International Survey of Alternative Artscene. As the founder of knit graffiti group Yarn Bombing Los Angeles, she facilitated the design and implementation of a massive crocheted architectural
installation at the façade of the Craft and Folk Art Museum in Los Angeles, CA that.brought together a community of over 500 participants from 25 countries. The project questioned the boundaries between art and craft, and used scale and color to play with artistic, architectural and institutional identities. Kosar is also a member of the MapConception, a collaborative duo that explores issues related to urban history and psychogeography. During these pandemic days, Kosar can be found in social isolation at home in a far and forgotten corner of Los Angeles County, unless she’s driving around Southern California, dropping off painted rocks that read “wish I were here” or “what matters?”.
Degrees, studies and affiliations:
M.F.A University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA. New Genres.
B.A University of Pittsbugh, Pittsburgh, PA. Double majors: Art History and Studio Arts, Double minors: Women’s Study and Philosophy.

Deb Diehl, çalışmalarını Los Angeles, Kaliforniya’da sürdüren bir sanatçı ve eğitimcidir. Fiziksel ve psikolojik alanların kesişimini araştıran Diehl, sosyal olarak inşa edilmiş ve doğal olarak meydana gelen fenomenin yüzeyinin altındakileri ortaya çıkaran fotoğraf, film ve video enstalasyon çalışmaları yapmaktadır. Diehl’in işleri, Los Angeles'taki Vincent Price Sanat Müzesi; Avusturya'da Ars Electronic; Pasadena’daki Armory Sanat Merkezi; Chicago'da
WTTW Televizyon Kanalı; ve gerek ABD, gerekse yurtdışında bir çok uluslararası film festivallerinde yer almıştır.
Deb Diehl is a Los Angeles-based artist and educator. Exploring the intersection of physical and psychological spaces, Diehl creates video installations, films and photography about that which is revealed beneath the surface of socially constructed and naturally occurring phenomenon. Diehl has exhibited in venues such as the Vincent Price Art Museum in Los Angeles; Ars Electronic in Austria; The Armory Center for the Arts in Pasadena; WTTW Public Television in Chicago; and in various film festivals in the United States and abroad.

Patricia Liverman makes sculptural paintings inspired by geological events, chance, and histories seen and unseen. Recent exhibitions that have featured her work include “Time Under Tension” at the Irvine Fine Arts Center and “Show Me Your Hand” at Coagula Curatorial in Los Angeles, California. She has exhibited in many non-profit and artist run spaces and in universities including UC Santa Cruz and Cal Poly Pomona. Liverman was awarded a residency
and a teaching fellowship at the Armory Center for the Arts in Pasadena. She holds a BFA from East Carolina University in North Carolina and an MFA from California State University, Los Angeles in California.
Patricia Liverman heykelimsi resimlerini görülebilen ve görülmeyen jeolojik olaylardan, şanstan ve tarihten esinlenerek tasarlar. Çalışmaları en son Los Angeles civarındaki Irvıne Güzel Sanatlar
Merkezi'ndeki “Gerginlik Altında Zaman” ve Coagula Kuratörlüğü’ndeki “Bana Elini Göster” sergilerinde yer almıştır. Liverman işlerini bir çok kar amacı gütmeyen sanat kurumunda ve sanatçı insiyatifinde, Kaliforniya Universitesi Santa Cruz ve Cal Poly Pomona gibi üniversitelerde sergiledi. Kuzey Carolina'daki East Carolina Üniversitesi'nden BFA (lisans) ve California'daki Los Angeles California Eyalet Üniversitesi'nden MFA (master) derecesi kazanan sanatçı, Pasadena’daki Armory Sanat Merkezi'nde residans ve sanat eğitimi araştırması bursu ödüllerinin sahibidir.