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Murat GÖK

the home cases / evin halleri

Güncelleme tarihi: 13 Tem 2020

"Kuşatma", enstalasyon;2020 120x17x7 iki adet asker figürü plastik, bir adet karton boru.

Murat GÖK

Born in, 1978, in Diyarbakır, works and lives in Diyarbakır, 2001 Graduated Dicle University, Faculty Of Fine Art 2018 Master Degree at Batman Unıversity Social Sciences Institution Department.

Murat Gök, deals in his works with structual and functional transformation undergone by the invidual- caught up in between oppressive social institutions -with the intetion of creating for himself a living space more his own independent. He selects the most appropriate features of his arguments according to the institution's weaknesses and strengths through a reflective manner.

He uses different expressions of media such as photographie , video, video animation, collage and painting in his works. He was part of many international exhibitions in countries like Austria, Japan, France, Georgia and Italy. He was nominated as a candidate for 2015 International Prize for Public Art (AIPA

171 görüntüleme1 yorum

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Hepsini Gör

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1 Comment

Jul 14, 2020

gerci bu video, digeri 2 boyutlu cizim, ve de Murat Gok isin icine karantina psikolojisi gibi baska boyutlar da katiyor ama bu sergiye ABDden katilan Patricia Liverman da karantina sirasinda kendisinin gun boyu ev icinde izledigi rotanin, ayak izlerinin haritasini cikarttigini anlatiyordu.


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