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Pelin TAN

the home cases / evin halleri

Güncelleme tarihi: 16 Eki 2020

1974, Almanya),  Tan is a researcher trained in Sociology (Ankara Univ. DTCF, 1996), PhD in Art History (ITU, 2010) based in Mardin, Turkey. She is the 6th recipient of Keith Haring Art&Activism (2019). Senior researcher of the Center of Arts, Design and Social Research. Lead author of Towards an Urban Society of Int.Panel of Social Progress ( Tan was a research fellow of Hong Kong Design Trust (2016), The Japan Foundation (2012), IASPIS (2008) and BAK Utrecht (2017-18). She was at the Architecture Faculty of Mardin Artuklu University (2013 -2017), and guest assoc prof. at the School of Design of Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ. (2016). She also served as a curator for the I-DEA archival project and Gardentopia at Matera 2019 ECC. She is at the curatorial board of IBA Stuttgart 2027. Tan participated in Istanbul Biennial (2007, 2015), Lisbon Architecture Triennial, Montreal Biennial, Bergen Assembly, Chicago Architecture Biennial, Shenzhen Urbanism Biennial, Oslo Architecture Triennial, and other exhibitions. Tan is a member of the Artikisler video collective. Tan, directed and produced on the future of art with artist Anton Vidokle and working together on their current film about the Gilgamish Epic and immortality.


(1974, Almanya). Ankara Univ. DTCF Sosyoloji ve Lisansustu calismalarini ITU Sanat Tarihi'nde tamamlayan Tan 2013'den bu yana Mardin, Turkiye'de yasiyor. Tan, 2019'da Keith Haring Sanat ve Aktivizm odulune aday gosterildi ve kazandi. Sanat, Tasarim ve Sosyal Arastirma Merkezi'nde arastirmaci (Boston) ve IPSP'nun Kentsel bir Topluma Dogru raporunun ana yazarlarindandir ( Tan 2013-2017 arasi Mardin Artuklu Universitesi, Mimarlik Fakultesinde docent ve dekan yardimcisi olarak calisti. ITU Sanat Tarihi Bolumunde arastirma gorevlisi olarak calisti (2001 -2011) ve Hong Kong Politeknik Tasarim Okulu (2016) ve bircok universitede davetli hoca olarak bulundu. Tan, sanat ve territoryal alan arastirmalari Hong Kong Tasarim Vafki, Japon Vakfi, Isvec Sanat Konsulu, DAAD, BAK Utrecht gibi kurumlar tarafindan odullendirildi ve desteklendi. Kurator olarak Matera Avrupa Kultur Kenti 2019 vakfinda kurator olarak Gardentopia ve I-DEA Arsiv sergilerinin gerceklestirdi. Tan, Sttugart IBA 2027 kuratoryel kurulu uyesidir. 2007 ve 2015 Istanbul Bienali basta olmak uzere, 2020 Istanbul Tasarim Bienali, Montreal Bienali, Bergen Assembly, Sikago Mimarlik Bienali, Oslo Mimarlik Trienli, Senzen Kent Bienali, gibi bircok bienal ve uluslararasi sergiye davet edildi. Tan, sanatin gelecegi uzerine Anton Vidokle ile uc film gerceklestirdi ve su an Gilgamish epigi ve olumsuzluk uzerine bir film uzerine calismaktadir. Artikisler video kolektifi uyesidir. 

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